Game Summaries & Headlines.
Results for Match vs. Sullivan County
1 year ago @ 7:56AM
While the team didn’t win last night, they had a tight match with a final team score of 26 to 32 to Sullivan County. Loyalsock secured first period falls (aka pins) by Carter Secora (0:12), Kaden Rodarmel (0:18), and Braden Vincenzes (0:27). Kaden Keefer secured the win with a tech fall (15:0 at 4:31) and Seth Janovitz won 6:2 after a 6 minute battle. During an exhibition match, Gavin Rice was able to secure a first period fall in 1:55. Brayden Gifford, Ian Haines, and Madison Kwasney wrestled hard and Ethan French lost due to an injury.